Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Holiday - 2009

OK, so the elves went crazy this year, and I made way too many goodies for Christmas Eve. I just can't help myself when it comes to baking, more is always better. So, here is what we had:

Almond Tart - I got the taste spot on, but the crust for this was way too thick and didn't turn out quite like I would have liked. Next time I will try it with a different crust recipe. Looks great though.

Almond Cookies with Raspberry Jam - I liked these but a bit dry. The flavor was good for sure. Original recipe called for cherries, but I like jam better for sure.

Chocolate Chip Peppermint Cookies - So if you are a fan of the thin, crispy chocolate chip cookie, this one is for you. I substituted dark chocolate and mint chips vs. plain old chocolate chips, and I liked the flavor.

PB&J Thumbprints - I am a big fan of the peanut butter cookie, and this one was nice and moist. It sort of tasted like a PB&J sandwich, and better yet, none of that bread to get in the way of the flavor. I had issues getting the cookie to turn out with a dent in the middle, I basically had to take them out of the oven a bit raw and then mush them around.

Chocolate Mexican Cookies - By far the best cookies of the season. Everyone that has tried these likes these, well, everyone that likes cinnamon. If you are not a fan, then you might not like these so much. Decided to modify the recipe a bit and rolled them in sugar. Next time I might add an extra dash of chili powder to take the spice up a bit.

Gingerbread Cookies - I have never, ever made gingerbread cookies. I know, crazy. Anyway, these were supposed to be chewy, but these were crispy, and not due to the baking. I even tried cutting 3 minutes off the bake time, and they still ended up crispy. The taste was fine, don't mind the decorations, that will never be my job when I open up a bakery.

Tiramisu Eggnog Triffle - This was AMAZING. The custard turned out really well, the flavors blended nicely and it was light and tasty. You for sure have to be a fan of tiramisu, otherwise you won't like this no matter how fantastic it tastes.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Welcome to Masterbaking!

Well, time to put my money where my mouth is. Ok, so I am not ready yet to commit to quitting my job to start a bakery or anything like that, but I need to at least know what people think of the food I bake for them. So this is the jumping off point. I am going to bake and bake and bake, and you, my friends and family, will come out here and post the honest truth about what I have made, what you like, what you don't like, what you would change. And rate it (1-5, with 5 being the best).