Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gonna Go Blind from All This Master Baking - Chocolate Chip Pretzel Bars

I had made these as cookies from a different recipe some time in December, but clearly I didn't have my act together enough to get them out and on my blog. I like the bar version much better, it had more aesthetic appeal, they are easier to eat, the cookie dough browned really nicely. I dig the whole salty / sweet combo, it does it for me. I was thinking that next time I might try it with peanuts in addition to the pretzels, but that might be overkill. 3.5 out of 5 stars.


  1. 5 of 5 - sweet yet savory...love the salt undertones.

  2. I didn't select this one originally, but it actually became one of my favorites. I have to agree, the combo of sweet and salty, yummy.

  3. I like the concept here, but couldn't taste any pretzel in my bar
