Sunday, February 7, 2010

Big, Juicy Mangos . . . If That Isn't Enough to Get You to Read On, Nothing Is - Fresh Mango Bread (Food Porn)

After living in Africa for 18 months, and then spending my fair share of time in Latin America, you'd think I would like mangos. For whatever reason, I have never really developed a taste for them. They are slimy, so for sure I have a texture thing against them. But the taste really doesn't do much for me. I have tried and tried, but nothin' doin'. I will however be a sport and bake them into goodies (i.e. Fresh Mango Bread) when I get the request.
This bread was ok. It is a solid, 'meaty' bread, on the dry side, but not 'dry', if that makes any sense. The taste was fine, you couldn't really taste the mangos (or mangoes, apparently either spelling is correct), which probably is not a good thing for a mango bread. The spices were nice, the raisins, well, raisins are not my cup of tea anyway, so they were ok. I guess all in all I wasn't overly impressed, and it will not likely make the rotation any time soon.

1 comment:

  1. I really like mangoes but didn't taste enough of them in this bread. It was more like pumpkin spice cake, which is to say tasty, but not mangoey.

    Maybe this is obvious, but it was better toasted
