Monday, February 22, 2010

An Experiment in Sweet and Salty - Chocolate Caramel Cookies with Sea Salt

A lot of people that have been sampling the cookies repeat the same thing - I like a bit of salty with my sweet. It makes sense, chocolate covered pretzels, bacon chocolate bars, honey roasted peanuts, the salt makes us better appreciate the sweet. So I have been on the look out for recipes that combine the two . . . and I came across this one.

I think once I figure out the best method for getting the salt distributed onto the cookie, this will be a winner. The cookie part itself was excellent, soft and rich, but not too overwhelming that you felt sick after one bite. I spent the weekend looking for good caramels, and I have to say, the investment really paid off. No going back to using Kraft caramels for cookies, gourmet all the way. Instead of cocoa powder, I used dark chocolate powder (also by Hershey), and I really liked the flavor it imparted to the cookie. Sprinkling the cookie with Sea Salt is a non-starter. Lots of it in one bite, none in others. I think next time I will try either using a finer grain and less of it (probably will need to roll it or flatten the cookie before sprinkling), or I might salt the caramel instead.

1 comment:

  1. Shake salt from a super high level to distribute it evenly... as high as you can reach. Your new header is freaky. Miss you.
